Pluto Enters Aquarius


I believe that the planets and cosmos have a great influence on our energy bodies. This year I have set the intention to sync my energy deeper with that of the cosmos, stars & planetary movements. My aim is to work closer in alignment with these universal frequencies not only for greater personal harmony, but as a way to deepen my offerings to you, my community.

One of the biggest astrological events of 2024 took place a few days ago on January 20th when Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time in over 200 years. Since 2008, this ‘generational’ planet has been in transit through Capricorn & will now spend the next 20 years reshaping our collective and personal lives as it begins its steady orbit through the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. Pluto’s slow orbiting pace means that its affect is felt over longer periods of time as apposed to that of a day-to-day level, therefore it is an agent of transformation and long term change. Pluto transits help release what is no longer serving us (the shadow) so that new growth and evolution may occur (the light). Often referred to as the planet of death, this transit into Aquarius marks the end of an era and the beginning of another; An age of Revolution.

In astrology, Pluto is associated with death, rebirth, transformation, regeneration & power. It’s movement into Aquarius, an air sign known for its focus on innovation, humanitarianism, community and progressive thinking, suggests a period where these themes will become prominent globally & influence deep change. This cycle will last for 20 years, from now until 2044, & will be one of deep work for the soul & collective. As we step into times of less resistance, we can establish fresh norms and opportunities to reinvent all facets of life. Aquarius energy has an innate yearning for justice and equality. Now with Pluto in Aquarius, together they bring a desire to break free from boundaries & the status quo & to reset the position of social power. It’s a generational energy that we will work with for the coming decades. 2024 is a big year, one for embodying our individuality, letting go of expired connections and meeting with those who resonate with our most clarified, authentic frequency. Pluto in Aquarius is ruling over connections, friendships, alliances, communities & our coming-together. Who do you want to bump shoulders and share life with in the years to come? Who are you following? What group do you identify with? Who decides what you find important? These are the shadow themes that Pluto will bring forth for many of us and our circles. 

Alongside the themes of community & humanitarianism, technology and science will be widely influenced by Pluto’s position in the cosmos. We can expect enormous technological innovation & big development in industries such as space travel, genetic engineering, chemical engineering, cellular networks, psychedelic therapy & of course, AI. Technology flaws that initially roll us back, for example, blackouts caused by the immense energy required for AI, will move forward into a space of rapid advancements & positive progression.

So how can kinesiology help you with this astrological shift? Many of us will experience the themes of this transit at some point. Kinesiology techniques can help to identify the root cause of disharmony, read the body, identify stress, unpack how these themes may be influencing your energy, clear any negative energy or imbalances that may have manifested over time & provide valuable solutions to guide you back to homeostasis. The future is here, it’s now, it’s us. Together we can use this astrological shift to assemble, interweave, cooperate, coexists and share a collective power for positive change. Our lives are now ready to alter significantly and be ourselves in new ways like never before.


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